AUT tadbirlari

Amity University in Tashkent hosted “Career Fest 2021”, “Student Hack 2021”, “IEEE” International Conference events

On November 10, the opening ceremony of “IEEE” International Conference was held. Scientists and professors in the field of IT all over the world participated with their articles and shared the trends and latest news of the technical world  The Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education Abdukadir Tashkulov held a video conference meeting with the leaders of the Amity University Group of India from branches in many countries 


“Career Fest 2021” at Amity University in Tashkent

On November 10, a job fair was held for all youth of Uzbekistan. All students and interested people took part in the fair🎗 The #CareerFest took place with several parts: Pre Conference Panel Discussion on the topic  “Role of Technology in driving Social Change”   


On Nov. 11 at 19:00 we invite you to join a YouTube-conference "Diving into IT with EPAM"! 

During the event, our IT Engineers will share their expertise and answer all your questions about the company.  Join us to:  Learn how to start a career in IT with no previous experience  Get acquainted with rare IT disciplines represented in the company  Chat with our recruiters and production teams


Amity University in Tashkent has joined the ICT Academy of the world's largest “Huawei” company.     

Benefits of the Huawei ICT Academy  program Connecting with the ICT industry and learning the latest technology Partnerships and  support provision directly from Huawei  Availability of a wide range of networking   Certification courses on Datacom, Security, Storage (soon AI and Big Data will be added) Free training and free certification exam vouchers as a training tool for educators  Ability of ICT Academy to provide a unique curriculum to students Trainings, Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Employment Opportunities for Students and Motivation Programs for Teachers


AUT hosted a big event "Tumaris. Tech Expo" in cooperation with the Ministry of Information Technologies and IT park.

On April 17th, the exhibition for start-ups  "Tumaris. Tech Expo" presented more than 40 promising technological projects from all over Uzbekistan.   During the exhibition,  Startups in Tourism, Social Tech, HR Tech, TechNet, MedTech, FinTech, E-commerce, EdTech, Lifestyle service, AutoTech, AgroTech have been presented. 


AUT organizes an online-webinar on "Personal Branding".

Our special guest – Nuruddin Iminokhunov is a Product Growth  Specialist at  Pro Unlimited  @ Facebook company, who started his career with small Google I/O Extended conference in his early student years. Later he turned this initiative to Google Developers Group (GDG) chapter and these meetups brought more than 2000 unique visitors in the forms of conferences. Last year GDG Tashkent conducted the biggest Developers Festival in Central Asia - GDG DevFest Tashkent 2019 with more than 1000 visitors and 30 speakers including 10 international speakers.


Toshkent shahridagi Amiti universitetida IT parkda istiqbolli startap-loyihalarni moliyalashtirish, inkubatsiya va akserilatsiya dasturlarida ishtirok etish bo'yicha tadbir bo'lib o'tdi. 2020 yilda raqamli iqtisodiyotda ilm-fan, ma'rifat yili bo'lganini

2020 yilda raqamli iqtisodiyotda ilm-fan, ma'rifat yili bo'lganini hisobga olib, tashkil etilgan tadbirlar IT-sohadagi dolzarb masalalarni muhokama qilish uchun maydon bo'lib xizmat qiladi.  Dastur davomida inkubatsiya va akserilatsiya dasturini tanlash doirasida jamoalarning 40 dan ortiq turli startap loyihalarni taqdim etildi. 


On December 19, 2019, a grand opening of the first student branch of the CTA (computing technology Association) in Uzbekistan took place.

Irina Bernal – World Bank Digital Transformation Advisor – took part in the event. CTA provides many opportunities and benefits for its students. In the near future, Amity University Tashkent plans to organize lectures by prominent international professors and scientists as part of the ACM Distinguished Speaker program. It is planned to organize: professional monitoring program, book clubs, intellectual games, school visits, award ceremonies, newsletters, advisory board, first year mentoring during orientation, CTA review website.


On November 26, 2019, the Ministry of Development of Information Technologies and Communications and Amity University Tashkent organized a press conference at the Agency of Information and Mass Communications under the Presidential Administration of the R

During a press conference, Reporters, bloggers and other representatives of the press club were informed about the university's activities, and its future plans. Many initiatives including study abroad program for Tashkent students, Amity student’s interaction with Nobel laureates and the groups focus on research and innovations were discussed with the media.


6-noyabr kuni Amity University Tashkentda tadbirkorlar Xasan va Husan Mamasaidovlar tomonidan "G‘oyalar monetizatsiyasi va biznesdagi omad yoki muvaffaqqiyatsizlikka ta'sir etuvchi omillar" mavzusida ma'ruza tashkil etildi.

Xasan va Husan Mamasaidovlar reklama mahsulotlari va biznes-sovg‘alarni yetkazib berish, ishlab chiqarish va ishlab chiqishga ixtisoslashgan DEKOS kompaniyasining egalaridir. Shuningdek, ular Office Market va M-Factor kompaniyalarining asoschilari hamdirlar. ⠀ Tadbir davomida ma'ruzachilar tadbirkorlik sohasidagi tajribalari bilan o‘rtoqlashdilar, shuningdek, biznes boshlashda qanday xatolarga yo‘l qo‘ymaslik, qanday qiyinchiliklarga duch kelish mumkinligi va qanday omillar muvaffaqiyatga yetaklashi haqida ham gapirib berdilar.


U-Report vakillari Toshkentdagi Amity Universitetiga tashrif buyurishdi

U-Report - bu UNICEFning xalqaro loyihasi bo'lib, u SMS va ijtimoiy tarmoqlar orqali mamlakat hayotining dolzarb mavzularida yoshlar orasida muntazam so'rovlarni o'tkazish uchun yaratilgan. Ularning so'rovlarida bu yerda ishtirok etishingiz mumkin: ⠀ Hozirgi vaqtda O'zbekiston U-Report platformasini Markaziy Osiyoda birinchi bo'lib ishga tushirgan  davlat.


4-oktabr kuni Amity University Tashkentda o'qituvchilar sharafiga bayramona tadbir o'tkazildi!

Faol va ijodkor talabalarimiz universitetning barcha o'qituvchilariga haqiqiy sovg'a hozirlagan holda bayramona konsert dasturi uyushtirishdi. Ushbu tadbir ham tomoshabinlar, ham ishtirokchilarga minglab ijobiy hissiyotlar tuhfa etdi. ⠀ Bu qanday o'tganini fotojamlanmamizda tomosha qiling.
