23 Apr 2024 1

Calling for "Hacknovation 2024"

The Hackathon aims to inspire innovation across ten cutting-edge themes, addressing critical challenges in today's technological landscape. It welcomes 100+ teams to engage in a event that facilitates offline participation.

The competition will be organized in two main categories: 

Registration and Teams
 Each team must consist of up to 5 members, including at least one female member as a mandatory requirement;
 One faculty mentor from their parent institute may accompany each team as a team mentor;
 Pre-registration required with team details and selected problem statement(s).

 Cash prizes await the winners:
1st place – $1500
2nd place – $1000
3rd place – $700
1st place – $500

The Hackathon is organized in collaboration between the Amity University Tashkent, IT Community of Uzbekistan and the AI Council, Ministry of Innovation, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Participation Rules and Guidelines

Day 1: Idea Presentation

Purpose: The first day is dedicated to presenting your initial project ideas. It is a crucial phase where you lay the foundation of your project and demonstrate its potential impact, innovation, and feasibility.

Presentation Format:

Each team will have a maximum of 10 minutes to present their idea.

This should include a clear statement of the problem, the proposed solution, and why it is innovative.

Teams should also outline their plan for implementing the idea within the HACKNOVATION 2024’s duration.

Evaluation Criteria:

Projects will be evaluated based on innovation, feasibility, impact, presentation quality, and team competence.

Each criterion carries specific points, contributing to a total score out of 100.

Outcome of Day 1:

At the end of Day 1, scores will be tallied, and feedback will be provided.

Only teams scoring 70 points or above will be eligible to proceed to Day 2.

Teams will be notified of their qualification status at the end of the day.

Day 2: Project Implementation


Qualification for Day 2 is strictly based on the scores received on Day 1.

The threshold to advance is set at 70 points. Teams scoring below this will not move forward but are encouraged to observe and learn from Day 2 proceedings.

Expectations for Qualified Teams:

Teams moving to Day 2 will need to develop a working prototype of their proposed idea, either as a software or hardware project.

The day will focus on execution, technical complexity, usability/design, scalability, and the final presentation.

Teams are expected to incorporate the feedback received on Day 1 to refine and improve their projects.

Final Presentation and Evaluation:

At the end of Day 2, teams will present their completed projects.

Projects will again be scored based on the criteria specified, and winners will be decided based on these scores.

General Rules:

All participants must adhere to the code of conduct, which promotes respect, inclusivity, and a positive environment.

Teams must manage their time effectively to ensure they are ready for both the initial pitch and the final presentation.

Intellectual property generated during the HACKNOVATION 2024 will be treated according to the event’s IP policy, which will be outlined at registration.

 Date: May 18-19
 Location: Amity University Tashkent

Last Date of Registration 12 May 2024

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