22 Apr 2024 1

On April 22, Amity University Tashkent held a meeting with youth of Navoi 

Meetings were arranged with the youth of the Academic lyceum under Navoi Pedagogical Institute and Navoi-Karakol 1 specialized school.

The lyceum presentations in Namangan were organized as interactive sessions, featuring university programs, opportunities and discussions on career opportunities. Amity staff shared their expertise and knowledge, encouraging students to acquire new skills and aspire to professional growth in education.

A summary of the university's history and mission, a description of the faculties and specialties offered, contemporary teaching techniques, seasoned faculty, connections to other countries and internship opportunities, campus infrastructure, and scholarship programmes were all addressed to the interest of the academic lyceum's students.

These initiatives not only raised awareness among students about the possibilities within the education sphere but also strengthened the bonds between Amity and educational institutions in the Namangan region. Such endeavors contribute to the advancement of education and the preparation of skilled professionals in different fields.

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