21 Apr 2024 1

On April 21, representatives of Amity University Tashkent proudly participated in the International Marathon BYD-Tashkent

Students and staff of Amity University Tashkent enthusiastically participated in the marathon, demonstrating the University's commitment to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle, the University demonstrates its dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to society.

The International Marathon BYD-Tashkent is a premier sporting event that attracts runners of all ages and abilities, promoting a culture of fitness and well-being. The International Marathon BYD-Tashkent program included four distances - an open race of 3 and 10 km, a half marathon of 21 km and a marathon distance of 42 km.

By participating in the International Marathon BYD-Tashkent, Amity University Tashkent aimed to: promote physical fitness and well-being among its community members, showcase the university's commitment to supporting healthy lifestyles and recreational activities.

Amity University Tashkent's participation in the International Marathon BYD-Tashkent underscores its commitment to holistic development and community engagement.


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