
Grandiose “StudentsHack 2021”Awarding Ceremony

Three days of the Students Hackathon is over and it is time to announce the winners of this huge event. The Winners according to results of judges: DOT NET SENIORS CYBERMEN


Global education program conducted by Huawei

In this program, a total of 6 University students participated, 4 students from Amity University in Tashkent were selected Shakhzod Khudoykulov Sherzod Tohirov Iroda Tojiboyeva Mirmukhamedov Sakhier


Amity students won scholarship from “AKFA Group”!

On June 25th, the CEO of “AKFA Group” Kamran Gulyamov congratulated and handed over an appreciation letters for two of our students, Farrukh Azamov and Samandar Akromov from B.Sc. (IT) programme.


Students of Amity University Tashkent achieved a scholarship from the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications Development.

Bakhtiyor Rasulov Shakhzod Khudaykulov Shokhjakhon Kochkorov Besides that, our staff member - Ra'no Alikperova was awarded a certificate of gratitude for her achievements reached over the past year at the Amity University.

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